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Timeline of history


Cretaceous (100 mya)

First ergot-like parasite of grasses

Discovered in an amber fossil in 2014


Beginnings of modern ergot alkaloid research

Spearheaded by Swiss chemist Arthur Stoll


Swiss scientist Albert Hofmann's first successful synthesis of ergotamine and its derivative, LSD


Frankfurt physician Adam Lonitzer's discovery of ergot's use as a drug to aid childbirth


Discovery of the structure of ergometrine, the first active compound to be isolated in Claviceps


Discovery of the ergopeptines

Cretaceous: Origins

In 2014 [12], an amber fossil dating back to the Cretaceous was discovered. It contained a grass spikelet parasitised by an ergot-like fungus. This not only points to ergot parasitism being over 100 millions years old, but the possibility of psychotropic compounds like ergot alkaloids having existed at this time.

1918: Ergot alkaloid research begins

Regarded by many as the father of EA research, Swiss chemist Arthur Stoll successfully isolated and later patented the active compound responsible for ergot poisoning as well as its usefulness in childbirth [17]. This first alkaloid was the water-soluble ergotamine, and was later marketed as ergometrine.

1936: Ergometrine

During the fervent rush to discover the EAs present in Claviceps sclerotia during the 1930s, Jacobs et. al. discovered the structure of ergometrine and lysergic acid, important precursors to ergotamine. Other independent discoveries of these compounds were being made at the same time by the likes of C. Moir, (a physician and friend of Jacobs'), M. Kharash and W. Legault (both from Chicago) and M. Thompson from the John Hopkins University (Baltimore) [8,14]. All attempted to patent their newly discovered compound using a different name.

1938: Lysergic acid diethylamide

More on Albert Hofmann's discovery here.

EA discovery continued to flourish (and still continues today) leading to the discovery of the ergopeptines. It was now Hofmann who spearheaded the research, having isolated five compounds belonging to the class we now classify as the ergopeptines. He accomplished this either by direct extraction from samples, or semi-synthesizing them from lysergic acid [6].


1960s: Ergopeptines


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